

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Harman baweja who owes all his happiness to these women!

Harman Baweja’s new found star status might have made him extremely busy but there are three reasons which keep him relaxed even when he is shooting! Three reasons being – three women! Yes, the men who think women create nothing but havoc should learn a thing or two from Harman who owes all his happiness to these women!

Rowena Baweja: Harman’s younger sister and his pillar of support. To Harman Rowena is his worst critic but also his best supporter. “Rowena does not only know what I am going to say next but also what I am going to think next! Inspite of being younger than me, she used to finish my projects in school. Even when I am shooting and in case I go wrong, she would save my ass in front of my father by covering my mistakes”, says Harman about his darling sister.

Pammi Baweja: Harman’s super mum and the lady who keeps him grounded, Pammi is Harman’s driving force who expects him to push his limits and take the road less travelled. “My mum wanted me to be an IAS officer but I became an actor, I keep telling her I’ll do a film where I’ll get to play the role of an army officer just so that she can see me in an uniform”, jokes Harman. On a serious note he adds, “My mother is sceptical about my career, life. She wants me to do well in whatever I do.”

Priyanka Chopra: Harman and Priyanka might be just good friends as they claim but Harman has never shied away from telling how supportive Priyanka has always been.

“Priyanka has seen me struggle for the past five years and I have seen her grow as an actor. Not once have I felt her professional growth in my personal life. She cannot say no to anyone, she cannot offend anyone. She is an extremely nice person and a dear friend”, signed off Harman as he described the three most important women of his life.

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